
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Do you want a custom painting?

The holidays are coming! What better gift than original artwork? For a loved one, or for yourself.

If you'd like to see how to order a custom DawgArt painting, click here!

If you'd like to see what I've been working on, click here!

Was that too many exclamation points? I think so. Cleanse yourself of the overuse of exclamation points by seeing the cute dogs and their paintings. (Also cats.)

What are you waiting for?
Seriously though. The waiting list is filling up for the holidays.
Once it's full, you'll be out of luck (actually you'll be able to order a gift certificate, but wouldn't you rather give a painting?) and nobody wants to be out of luck. Be lucky! Have all the luck! Oh no the exclamation points are back. Order today!