
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

World Art Drop Day

Want the thrill of free art combined with the suspense of a scavenger hunt?

Brilliant illustrator and genuine nice-person Jake Parker instituted World Art Drop Day, which took place today, September 2nd. Hundreds (or thousands, not sure yet) of artists across the globe participated and it was


Here's the skinny: artists, somewhere in their city, hide a piece of art. Then they post a clue on social media (for me it was Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook), so their fans can go look for it.

I ended up hiding five pieces all around the Valley of the Sun.  Here are the clues:

Hint: San Tan Valley

Hint: Queen Creek

Hint: Queen Creek

Hint: Mesa

Hint: Tempe

If you decide to play and find one of these pieces, take a selfie with the art and post it somewhere on social media. Be sure to tag me and use #artdropday!

Instagram: @dawgpainter
Twitter: @dawgpainter
Tumblr: dawgpainter
Facebook: DawgArt